Welcome to

Shipley C.E. Primary School

Special Educational Needs & Disability Information


School Name Shipley CE Primary School
Head Teacher Mr Hamilton
SENCo & Inclusion Manager Miss Drake
Governor with responsibility for SEND Mrs S Hussain
Contact details: address

Shipley CE Primary School

Otley Road


BD18 2PT

telephone 01274 583900

Email (admin) office@shipley.bdat-academies.org
Email (SENDCO) office@shipley.bdat-academies.org
Telephone (SENDCO) 01274 583900
Age Range

3 - 11 years

Academy Sponsor

Bradford Diocesan Academy Trust (BDAT)


Complaints regarding the school's support for children with special educational needs should be made following the school's complaints policy. 

Please find the complaints policy on the policies page of our web site.