Welcome to

Shipley C.E. Primary School

Welcome to Year 5. 

We are Chestnut Class!

The adults in Chestnut Class are Miss Cooksey and Mrs Cowen.

What are we learning about this year?

In Maths, we will be developing our understanding of place value and the four operations. We will be learning the formal methods for addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. We will be consolidating our timestable knowledge and improving our fluency when recalling timestable facts daily.

In English, we will explore a number of texts linked to our Explorers units. These will include Odyssey, Rose Blanche, Hidden Figures and War Game.

In History, we will be exploring what life was like in Ancient Greece, how travel has changed over time and the events which led up to World War 2.

In Geography, we will be finding out about natural disasters and the impact humans have on the environment.

As part of PSHE, we will be continuing our work with Oxenhope Primary as part of our Linking Journey. The theme this year is resilience which we will explore through the story "After the Fall". We are excited to reconnect with our buddies at Oxenhope. We will also have a visit from Juliet at SCARF to find out about how our bodies will grow and change as we get older.

In Art, we will exploring surrealist art with a focus on movement. We will be developing pencil and paint techniques. We will be recreating The Great Wave using water colour paint and water colour pencils. We will be developing our painting skills and recapping techniques such as blending, mixing and shading.

In RE, we will be exploring a number of questions including the ways in which religion can help people through tough times and how Jesus was a king for Christians. We will also be visiting a mosque to find out about the beliefs held by Muslim people.

In Science, we will be exploring the solar system and we will be thinking about life cycles for animals and humans. 

We will be visiting Nell Bank as part of a 1 night residential. We will be developing our independence and teamwork skills whilst orienteering, completing obstacle courses and participating in team challenges. We will also be visiting Bradford Cathedral as part of the BDAT Christmas Service to celebrate the Christmas story with schools across our trust. 

 Take a look at our Curriculum Year Group Plan to find out what else we will be learning about in Year 5 this year. Remember you can find the knowledge organisers for each unit on class dojo – please share these with your children and discuss the key vocabulary!


Important Information:

Wednesday: PE 

Thursday: Library and Spellings

Friday: Reading Books