Welcome to

Shipley C.E. Primary School


Geography fires our pupils’ desire to make sense of the world and their place within it, understanding how it is interconnected and always changing due to human and physical processes. 

Pupils will be able to draw upon their understanding of geographical knowledge to describe and locate different places around the globe, explaining the features that make them unique and how they have come to be this way. 

By exploring the rich diversity of our planet, a Shipley geographer will enjoy learning about the variety of cultures, environments and the earth’s resources whilst considering their impact upon it and the responsibilities that rest upon their shoulders regarding the future. 

They will thrive whilst applying their ever growing geographical understanding and array of skills to conduct field studies and investigations, making great use of geographical sources alongside our greatest resource, the world on our doorsteps.


Intent, Implementation and Impact


Geography Long Term Plan


Progression in Geography


How can you help at home?

Ways you might help your child to get a head start in Geography;

  • Teach your child to use different kinds of maps, atlases and digital software such as Google Earth to locate countries and places of interest;
  • Teach your child the names of the countries of the United Kingdom; England (capital city London), Northern Ireland (capital city Belfast), Scotland (capital city Edinburgh) and Wales (capital city Cardiff);
  • Teach your child that we live in Shipley, which is a district of Bradford; an important city in England;
  • Take your child on visits to different geographical locations; it helps your child if they can recognise the similarities and differences between different geographical locations.