Welcome to

Shipley C.E. Primary School

Welcome to Year 3

We are Cherry Class!

The adult in Cherry Class is Mrs Williams

What are we learning about in Spring 1?

In Maths, we are moving onto our multiplication and division unit. We will be exploring sharing and grouping, multiples, using arrays and the 3,4 and 8 times tables.

In English, we will be reading 'Manfish' - a book all about the ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau. We will finish the half-term by writing a biography.

In Science, we will be answering the question, 'How do we see?' We will learn about how light travels, reflection and reflective materials, and how to protect ourselves from UV rays. We will also work scientifically and use the skills we have learned to complete a shadow investigation.

In Geography, we will be learning all about mountains. We will use maps and atlases to locate mountains in the UK and around the world, we will learn how different types of mountains and formed, and we will identify and label key features of a mountain. 

In RE, we will be answering the question, "What kind of world did Jesus want?" for our Gospel unit. We will learn that a gospel is a story about the life and teachings of Jesus, make links between the calling of the first disciples and how Christians today follow Jesus, and offer suggestions about what Jesus's actions towards a leper might mean for a Christian. 

In PSHE, we will be thinking about what families are like. We will learn how families differ from each other and that not every family has the same structure, think about features of positive family life, ways to care for each other, and what to do if any family relationships are making us feel unhappy, worried or unsafe. 

In our DT days, we will be making a healthy dip for a party in our food unit. We will conduct taste tests of existing products, learn about food hygiene and different and safe methods of chopping, and we will finish the unit by inviting families into school to taste our amazing creations.

In Music, we will be learning the unit ‘Compose using your Imagination’. We will be improving our glockenspiel skills.

In Computing, we will be learning about how we can stay safe online. We will think about our online reputation, including how to search for information online and the need to be careful before sharing personal information. We will also explore Online Bullying, including describing appropriate ways to behave towards others online and how to get support. 

Take a look at our Curriculum Year Group Plan to find out what else we will be learning about in Year 3 this year. Remember you can find the knowledge organisers for each unit on class dojo – please share these with your children and discuss the key vocabulary!


Important Information:

PE: Friday

Library: Thursday

Spellings: Tuesday

Reading Books: Thursday