Welcome to Year 1.
We are Willow Class!
The adults in Willow Class are Miss Ahmed and Mrs Ali (Tuesday mornings).
What are we learning about this half term (Spring 1)?
In Maths, we are continuing to develop our knowledge of addition and subtraction within 20. We are developing our key skills in addition and subtraction through using the part-whole model and practicing our number bonds.
In English, we will be exploring the text Tree linking with our scientific learning from last half term on seasonal changes. We will be planning and writing a setting description for our endpoint.
In Phonics, we will continue to develop our reading skills through blending and segmenting words and sounds.
In PHSE, we will be considering all the ways we can keep our bodies and minds healthy.
In Geography, we will be thinking about the locality and the different geographical features in Shipley.
In Science, we will be answering the question "Are all animals the same?" and thinking about classification of living things.
In Computing, we will be exploring the topic of e-safety and identifying the different ways we can stay safe online.
In RE, we will be reflecting on special places and what makes places sacred to believers from different faiths.
In DT, we are planning, designing and making healthy sandwiches. Our parents and carers will be visiting school for a tasting afternoon.
Take a look at our Curriculum Year Group Plan to find out what else we will be learning about in Year 1 this year. Remember you can find the knowledge organisers for each unit on class dojo – please share these with your children and discuss the key vocabulary.
What have we learnt about last half term (Autumn 2)?
In Maths, we developed our knowledge of addition and subtraction within 10. We developed our key skills in addition and subtraction through using the part-whole model and practicing our number bonds.
In English, we explored the text 'Chalk' and wrote a narrative as our endpoint.
In Phonics, we continued to develop our reading skills through blending and segmenting words and sounds.
In PHSE, we reflected upon who is special to us. We explored who our special people are, how relationships make us feel and who can help us. This linked in with our school value of 'thankfulness' which we explored in whole school and class collective worship.
In History, we explored 'what toys grown-ups played with when they were young?'. We explored past and present toys. As part of our topic we visited the Bradford Industrial Museum and took part in the 'Toy Detectives' workshop.
In Science, we investigated seasonal changes in autumn and winter. We investigated how day length varies between the seasons and also how the environment changes around us.
In Computing, we learnt about how to use a computer to paint a digital image and what steps we needed to take.
In RE, we explored the question, "Why does Christmas matter to Christians?".
In our DT days, we designed and created a pocket mirror. We explored different materials and which material would be suitable for our pocket mirrors. We explored the question 'What will make my pocket mirror strong?'
Take a look at our Curriculum Year Group Plan to find out what else we will be learning about in Year 1 this year. Remember you can find the knowledge organisers for each unit on class dojo – please share these with your children and discuss the key vocabulary.
What have we learnt about last half term (Autumn 1)?
In Maths, we learnt about place value within 10. We learnt how to develop our key skills in addition and subtraction through sorting, counting and comparing groups of objects.
In English, we linked our learning to the text Little Fox in the Forest. Our initial hook was based upon parts of the illustrations from the front cover of the text.
In Phonics, we continued to develop our reading skills through blending and segmenting words and sounds.
In PHSE, we thought about what is the same and different about us. We explored our similarities and differences and what makes us unique. This linked in with our school value of 'Love' which we will be exploring in whole school and class collective worship.
In Geography, we explored British woodlands by learning about the physical and natural features of a wood. We also developed our map and fieldwork skills.
In Science, investigated everyday materials through using our observational skills.
In Computing, we learnt about what technology is around us and we will be looking at how to use technology safely and responsibly.
In RE, we explored the question, "Who made the world?". We will be exploring the Creation story.
In our Art days, we experimented with different lines. We explored patterns and how we used lines to reproduce pattern in nature.
Take a look at our Curriculum Year Group Plan to find out what else we will be learning about in Year 1 this year. Remember you can find the knowledge organisers for each unit on class dojo – please share these with your children and discuss the key vocabulary.
What have we learnt about last half term (Autumn 1)?
In Maths, we learnt about place value within 10. We learnt how to develop our key skills in addition and subtraction through sorting, counting and comparing groups of objects.
In English, we linked our learning to the text Little Fox in the Forest. Our initial hook was based upon parts of the illustrations from the front cover of the text.
In Phonics, we continued to develop our reading skills through blending and segmenting words and sounds.
In PHSE, we thought about what is the same and different about us. We explored our similarities and differences and what makes us unique. This linked in with our school value of 'Love' which we will be exploring in whole school and class collective worship.
In Geography, we explored British woodlands by learning about the physical and natural features of a wood. We also developed our map and fieldwork skills.
In Science, investigated everyday materials through using our observational skills.
In Computing, we learnt about what technology is around us and we will be looking at how to use technology safely and responsibly.
In RE, we explored the question, "Who made the world?". We will be exploring the Creation story.
In our Art days, we experimented with different lines. We explored patterns and how we used lines to reproduce pattern in nature.
Take a look at our Curriculum Year Group Plan to find out what else we will be learning about in Year 1 this year. Remember you can find the knowledge organisers for each unit on class dojo – please share these with your children and discuss the key vocabulary.
Important Information:
Library: Tuesday
PE: Thursday
Reading Books: Thursday
Spellings: Friday