Welcome to

Shipley C.E. Primary School

Church School Distinctiveness

Shipley CE Primary School is a member of the Bradford Diocese Academy Trust. Our vision and values are deeply rooted in the Christian Ethos and celebrates and promotes the rich and diverse community we serve. 

Our governing body shares a clear vision of a school with a distinctive Christian character to ensure all members of our school community can flourish. We work in close partnership with our friends at St Paul's Church, to put our vision into practice.

Our school is founded upon the teachings of Jesus and our core values of Respect, Resilience, Honesty, Forgiveness, Thankfulness and Inclusivity. Time is spent exploring what is distinctively Christian about these particular values. Many other values are explicitly taught throughout the school day such as, friendship, trust and gratitude. We strive for excellent relationships making our school a happy place to work and learn and we have one expectation

'Treat others as you expect to be treated' Luke 6:3



Our Nativity After School Club created this fabulous focus point for us during Advent.