Welcome to

Shipley C.E. Primary School


At Shipley C of E, we aim to ensure that our children have access to a high quality mathematics curriculum that is both challenging and enjoyable. We want our children to develop into confident mathematicians who are not afraid to take risks in their learning. In providing children with opportunities to make connections between key mathematical concepts, they are able to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competency in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. 

It is vital that our children are able to see how mathematics is relevant to their world, and applicable to everyday life.  We therefore teach key skills using concrete, pictorial and abstract framework (which can be seen in our Calculation Policy) to develop a deep and sustainable mathematical understanding.

We also aim to instil a love for learning in mathematics as children move through their school life and into the wider world of employment.

Intent, Implementation and Impact

Here is our intent, implementation and impact document for Mathematics:


Long Term Planning

At Shipley C of E, we aim to ensure that our children have access to a high-quality mathematics curriculum that is both challenging and enjoyable. We want to develop our children into confident mathematicians who are not afraid to take risks. Children need opportunities to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. It is vital for our children to be able to see how mathematics is relevant to their world, and applicable to everyday life. 

We use White Rose Maths as the spine of our curriculum to ensure that teaching and learning ensures that all children have the same opportunities to learn and the support they need to fully grasp concepts and become confident mathematicians who are able to apply their skills and understanding in a range of contexts. Through enabling and extending learning, we hope to scaffold and challenge children's mathematical thinking and ensure all children are able to make progress. Mathematical skills are taught in isolation to enable children to focus on one skill at a time using a step by step approach. The spiral curriculum provides children with opportunities to activate prior knowledge and build on existing skills.

Click on the year group to view the long term plan. 

Nursery   Reception     Year One     Year Two   Year Three     Year Four     Year Five     Year Six  

Progression in Mathematics

The following links will take you to the Progression Documents showing the skills and knowledge from EYFS to Year 6 for each area in Maths:

The following links will take you to our Progression Documents for each area of Mathematics 


Place Value


Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and Division




Ratio and Proportion Algebra




Geometry - Properties of Shape


Geometry - Position and Movement




Maths Policy

Take a look at our Maths Policy to see what Maths looks like at Shipley CE Primary.


Calculation Policy

Take a look at our Calculation Policy to see our approaches to teaching the informal and formal methods for the four operations.

EYFS         Year 1         Year 2       Year 3       Year 4      Year 5      Year 6


Teaching Sequence

Take a look at the teaching sequence for Maths at Shipley. We follow this model to ensure learning is tailored to the needs of the learner and enables children to develop fluency in key mathematical skills. These can then be applied with the explore stage, where children develop their reasoning and problem solving skills.


How can you help at home?

  • Be familiar with the Calculation Policy so that you can help your child out with the four operations.
  • Play games that involve maths skills such as dice games, card games and dominoes. 
  • Use maths in every day activities such as counting the cutlery when setting the table, looking at the clock to tell the time, handling money in shops (finding the total cost and calculate the change) and reading timetables for catching the bus/train or visiting the cinema.
  • Practice recalling multiplication and division facts to 12. 
  • Use your Timestable Rockstar account to help recall timestable facts with speed and fluency.
  • Discuss your child's knowledge organiser at the beginning of each unit (on class dojo).
  • Use the maths games on TopMarks to support rapid recall of key maths facts. 
  • Explore different ways to include Maths in to day to day lives using Family Maths Toolkit.
  • Download the free "1 minute maths" app from White Rose Maths Hub to practice subitising and the four operations.