At Shipley CE Primary School, we understand the necessity for all pupils to receive a high-quality education that promotes their development and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. We also know and understand the need for a broad and ambitious curriculum whilst in school.
Our Overarching Intent
At Shipley, our ambitious curriculum is driven by the school’s Christian vision and values. The school vision statement of ‘Learning Together in Love’ underpins everything we do.
We want our children to:
Our Curriculum Approach
Through this approach, we aim for each child to confidently enter the next stage of their education with the necessary skills and knowledge to become successful lifelong learners.
For information about how we comply with the Equality Act 2010, please see our Equality statement and Objectives in our Policies section, under Key Information.
For details of how we comply with our duties in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014, please look at our SEND document in our SEND area - click here.
Should you wish to obtain further information regarding our curriculum please ask your child's class teacher in the first instance or contact the school office.
Please use the menu on the left hand side to access a wealth of information on the different aspects of our curriculum.
Intent, Implementation and Impact