Welcome to

Shipley C.E. Primary School

Friends of Shipley Primary Parent Group

We work closely with our parents.

We have a group called 'Friends of Shipley Primary' that meet regularly to help fundraise and organise important events in school, including our Christmas Fair.


Easter Tombola run by our Parent Group

Mr Hamilton and Mrs Cowen awarding raffle prizes. Our parent group helped promote our raffle and the collection of prizes.
Welcome to

Shipley C.E. Primary School

Friends of Shipley Primary Parent Group

We work closely with our parents.

We have a group called 'Friends of Shipley Primary' that meet regularly to help fundraise and organise important events in school, including our Christmas Fair.


Easter Tombola run by our Parent Group

Mr Hamilton and Mrs Cowen awarding raffle prizes. Our parent group helped promote our raffle and the collection of prizes.