SIAMS inspection plays an important role in the improvement of Church schools. It does this by affirming that which is effective and by highlighting key areas for improvement. By focusing on impact above all else, SIAMS explores ways in which each school’s theologically rooted Christian vision drives the work, and enables the school to live up to its foundation as a Church school.
Church schools come in all different shapes and sizes, and a one size fits all approach to inspection does not allow a school to have integrity in its Christian-vision-driven work. Therefore, the 2023 SIAMS Framework does not present schools with lists of criteria to meet. Instead, it asks a number of Inspection Questions about impact, and it allows leaders to explain the school’s context and the reasons for decisions and actions. In all things, the contextually-appropriate theologically rooted Christian vision is the driving force.
SIAMS, rightly, sets a high bar for each school to live up to its foundation as a Church school through its theologically rooted Christian vision, and it provides affirmation, aspiration, and areas for development for school leaders.
(SIAMS Framework 2023, Introduction extract, by Dr Margaret James (National Director of SIAMS))
Our last Inspection report is here.
Religious Education
Our RE curriculum is based on the Diocese of Leeds and York Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education.
We use the Understanding Christianity resource which enables learners to acquire a thorough knowledge and understanding of the Christian Faith. In-depth studies of other religions are covered by various year groups: Islam – Year 1 and 5, Judaism – Year 2, Hinduism – Year 3, Sikhism – Year 4. All major festivals are covered by all year groups .
RE is taught by the class teacher through weekly timetabled lessons. Visitors and visits are used to enhance teaching and learning. Each year group is allocated a place of worship for different Christian denominations. Visits to places of worship for other religions also take place when appropriate.
Further opportunities are sought to develop RE in the curriculum through RE days such as ‘One Britain One Nation Day’ and ‘Christian Aid Week.’
RE areas and wall displays are visible in every classroom. This encourages the children to revisit, reflect and develop further their learning from the RE lessons.
Mrs Pellant
RE Co-ordinator
SIAMS inspection plays an important role in the improvement of Church schools. It does this by affirming that which is effective and by highlighting key areas for improvement. By focusing on impact above all else, SIAMS explores ways in which each school’s theologically rooted Christian vision drives the work, and enables the school to live up to its foundation as a Church school.
Church schools come in all different shapes and sizes, and a one size fits all approach to inspection does not allow a school to have integrity in its Christian-vision-driven work. Therefore, the 2023 SIAMS Framework does not present schools with lists of criteria to meet. Instead, it asks a number of Inspection Questions about impact, and it allows leaders to explain the school’s context and the reasons for decisions and actions. In all things, the contextually-appropriate theologically rooted Christian vision is the driving force.
SIAMS, rightly, sets a high bar for each school to live up to its foundation as a Church school through its theologically rooted Christian vision, and it provides affirmation, aspiration, and areas for development for school leaders.
(SIAMS Framework 2023, Introduction extract, by Dr Margaret James (National Director of SIAMS))
Our last Inspection report is here.
Religious Education
Our RE curriculum is based on the Diocese of Leeds and York Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education.
We use the Understanding Christianity resource which enables learners to acquire a thorough knowledge and understanding of the Christian Faith. In-depth studies of other religions are covered by various year groups: Islam – Year 1 and 5, Judaism – Year 2, Hinduism – Year 3, Sikhism – Year 4. All major festivals are covered by all year groups .
RE is taught by the class teacher through weekly timetabled lessons. Visitors and visits are used to enhance teaching and learning. Each year group is allocated a place of worship for different Christian denominations. Visits to places of worship for other religions also take place when appropriate.
Further opportunities are sought to develop RE in the curriculum through RE days such as ‘One Britain One Nation Day’ and ‘Christian Aid Week.’
RE areas and wall displays are visible in every classroom. This encourages the children to revisit, reflect and develop further their learning from the RE lessons.
Mrs Pellant
RE Co-ordinator