Welcome to

Shipley C.E. Primary School


At Shipley Primary School, Collective Worship is rooted in our school values. We learn, reflect and celebrate our values through bible stories and seeking to answer a big question every week. 

Collective worship takes place daily and is led by senior leaders, teachers, visitors and children at different times of the week and school year. We have weekly visits from the Zephaniah Trust and have visitors from our friends at St Paul's Church and Northcliffe Church every term. We invite visitors from other faiths, charities and organisations to help us learn about other faiths, special work and celebrate diversity within and beyond our community.


Weekly Worship Takes place

Monday- Whole School - Led by a senior leader, teacher, school council, visitor

Tuesday- Whole School/Key Stage- Led by a teacher, visitor or class

Wednesday- Whole School- Led by a visitor

Thursday- Class Worship and reflection

Friday- Whole school - Worship and Celebration


At different points in the year, we worship outside of our school at our local church.