The Governing Body has a statutory responsibility for the strategic management and development of the school. It is the Governing Body’s statutory duty to promote high standards of educational attainment and ensure effective management of the school’s resources.
We are responsible for ensuring that all relevant policies and procedures are in place and that appropriate targets are set. We monitor and review the school budget and appoint staff, including the head teacher.
We are not responsible for the day to day management and operation of the school.
Please see our TERMS OF REFERENCE which defines the purpose of the meetings.
BDAT Governance Diversity Report here
All Governors including the Chair of Governors can be contacted via the school office email,, or in writing at the school address.
Governing Body Members
Governor type Governor Role Name
Trust Governor Chair of Governors Rachel Hesselwood
Trust Governor Governor Richard Humphreys
Trust Governor Governor Khalid Ali
Parent Governor Governor Samia Hussain
Parent Governor Governor Anika Easy
Staff Governor Staff Governor Maisie Law
To download a full register of interests, structure, terms of office, attendance and those who have served at any point in the last 12 months on the Board of Governors at Shipley CE Primary School, please visit the BDAT website Business/Register of Interests page and download the relevant document.
Click here to view the structure and remit of the governing body, its committees and the name of each chair and link to board structure.
Please click here to find out more about becoming a school governor. If you are interested in volunteering and would like to talk to someone for more details please call the school office and ask to speak to the headteacher or school business manager.