Admission Consultation13 December 2018 (by admin) |
Shipley CE Primary School changes to admissions policy 2020-2021 consultation
Consultation on proposed changes to admissions policy 2020-21
Shipley CE Primary School is consulting on the following proposed changes to its admission policy from September 2020.
Pupils attending another Bradford Diocesan Academy Trust (BDAT)school: Priority will be given to any pupil currently attending a BDAT school who wishes to transfer to another BDAT school.
The consultation period is from 13th December 2018 until 31st January 2019 and we invite comments both from existing parents and any other interested parties.
The proposed policy for 2010-21 can be seen here.
Alternatively a copy is available on request from the school office.
Any comments regarding the proposed policy should be made in writing and addressed to Jan Pollard, Chari of Governors by Thursday 31st January 2019.
By post to Shipley CE Primary Schol, Otley Road, Shipley BD18 2PT or by email to
Note: the arrangements in respect of children with an Education Health Care Plan or looked after children are statutory so comments are not invited on these parts of the policy.