Welcome to Year 2.
We are Beech Class!
The adults in Beech Class are Miss Shoukat and Mrs Ali (Monday morning).
What are we learning about in Autumn 2?
In Maths, we will be developing our knowledge of addition and subtraction. We will be exploring a variety of methods to complete addition and subtraction calculations. During our Times Tables practice, we will be learning the two times tables.
In English, we will be exploring the text The Last Wolf. Our final write will be a written recount. During the grammar section of this unit, we will be focusing on using commas in a list.
In Science, we will be exploring the question ‘How can we stay healthy?’. We will be testing the effects of exercise on the human body. We will also investigate the importance of healthy eating and hygiene.
In History, we will be answering the question ‘Who was Titus Salt?’. We will be comparing Saltaire today to Saltaire in the past. In order to help us do this effectively, we will be taking part in a historical character workshop.
In RE, we will be looking at incarnation, and why Christmas matters to Christians. We will be developing our understanding of the Christmas story and thinking about the lessons which can be learnt from it. We will be furthering our understanding by learning and acting in the school nativity.
In PSHE, we will continue to explore relationships, this time focusing on the question ‘What is bullying?’. We will be identifying the different types of bullying and what to do if you are worried about bullying.
Our big question in Computing is ‘Can you take a photograph?’. We will be exploring lighting and effects.
In PE, we will be starting our unit of dance. We will be exploring different dance moves and putting a routine together to help tell the story of The Great Fire of London.
In Music, we will be learning numerous songs from our nativity, ‘Magical Christmas Journey’.
In DT, our big question is ‘How does your toy move?’. We will be learning about levers and linkages and using this knowledge to create our own moving toys.
Take a look at our Curriculum Year Group Plan to find out what else we will be learning about in Year 2 this year. Remember you can find the knowledge organisers for each unit on Class Dojo – please share these with your children and discuss the key vocabulary!
Important Information:
Library: Monday
Spellings: Monday
PE: Tuesday
Phonics books/Reading books: Friday