Welcome to Year 6.
We are Oak class!
The adults in Oak class are Miss Ahmed and Mrs Brown (and Mrs Ali on Friday morning).
What will we be learning about in Autumn 2?
This half term, our school value is Thankfulness. We will be thinking about how we can show this value in class and whole school collective worship and our daily interactions.
In English, we are studying Who Let the Gods Out. We will be finding out how Elliot's life changes as a result of a star sign from the Zodiac Council crash-landing on Earth. Our end point will be a balanced argument about whether or not Elliot and Virgo should free Prisoner-42.
In Maths, we are going to be learning about the four operations, focusing on long multiplication, short division and long division. We will also be starting our Fractions topic.
We are starting the half term with DT Dazzle Days in which we will be studying coding and product design: we will be creating adventure maps to see if players can navigate a Beebot across it.
In History, we will be learning about the Ancient Egyptians and analysing primary and secondary sources to understand how historians today know about ancient times.
In PSHE, we will be thinking about choice we can make to stay safe and healthy as we grow older, we will be focusing on the dangers associated with Drugs and Alcohol.
In RE, we will be thinking about the values and teaching of Jesus and ways we can put these into practice. We will centre our learning around parables, such as The Centurion's Servant.
Take a look at our Curriculum Year Group Plan to find out what else we will be learning about in Year 6 this year. Remember you can find the knowledge organisers for each unit on class dojo – please share these with your children and discuss the key vocabulary!
Important Information:
Library: Tuesday
PE: Friday
Reading Books: Friday