Welcome to Year 3
We are Cherry Class!
The adult in Cherry Class is Mrs Williams
What are we learning about in Autumn 2?
In Maths, we are continuing with our Addition and Subtraction topic. We will be adding and subtracting ones, tens and hundreds before moving onto using the formal written methods of addition and subtraction with 2 and 3-digit numbers (column addition).
In English, we are exploring the text 'Stone Age Boy' linked to our new History topic. We will compare contrasting settings and characters and learn how to write in standard English using 'a' and 'an' correctly. We will learn the skills and layout features needed to create our final piece of writing - a non-chronological report.
In Science, we will be answering the question, 'How do magnets work?' We will learn about push and pull forces and friction, investigate magnetic and non-magnetic materials, and explore magnetic poles. We will also work scientifically and use the skills we have learned to design our own magnetic game.
In Geography, we will be learning about the rainforest by answering the big question, 'What is happening in the rainforest?' We will explore the different layers of the rainforest, discover the animals and plants that live in the rainforest, and learn about deforestation and how we can help the environment.
In RE, we will be answering the question, "What is trinity?" for our Incarnation unit. We will learn what the trinity represents, explore the baptism of Jesus and compare to baptisms today, and ask questions and suggest answers about why this is important to Christians today.
In PSHE, we will be thinking about what keeps us safe. We will learn how to recognise hazards, about the safe use of medicines and how to react and respond in an accident or emergency. We will use quality literature to support us to understand how to stay safe online. We are also taking part in pedestrian training run by Bradford Road Safety Team to help us to understand how to stay safe near and while crossing roads.
In Music, we will be learning to read music and use it to play an instrument as well as learn some new songs.
In Computing, we will be learning about stop-frame animation and will use apps on the i-pads to create our own animations.
In our DT days, we will be making moving vehicles. We will be investigating wheels and axles and evaluating existing products before designing, making and evaluating our own moving vehicles.
Take a look at our Curriculum Year Group Plan to find out what else we will be learning about in Year 3 this year. Remember you can find the knowledge organisers for each unit on class dojo – please share these with your children and discuss the key vocabulary!
Important Information:
PE: Friday
Library: Thursday
Spellings: Tuesday
Reading Books: Friday